ekomia   ⚬   Ratgeber
Office-friendly workouts that keep your body relaxed and stretched?
Enjoy ekomia's active routine for a relaxed body and a focused mind.
Design   ⚬   ekomia
The opening ceremony of our new showroom on the Spree is long overdue. And this time we have a lot to offer. In addition to the new furniture collection, you can expect a bold vernissage F*ck the algorithm on the theme of femininity without Likes. The program will be accompanied by minimalist techno sounds, Aperol Spritz and Patessier treats.
Design   ⚬   ekomia   ⚬   Nachhaltigkeit
As part of his bachelor's thesis at HAWK, our employee Kareem Goshan designed a design composter that simplifies waste separation and composting in Egyptian households. In doing so, he is not only trying to improve the everyday lives of Egyptians, but also to solve a much bigger problem.
Design   ⚬   ekomia
As part of the Berlin Design Week we will open our doors for you on 17.10 from 19.00 and present new furniture and two guests of honour.