Inside ekomia Blog


Solid wood furniture installation: Adjusting doors correctly | ▷

Are you in need of advice on adjusting the doors of your wardrobe or cabinet? Look no further, we have some helpful tips to assist you in fixing crooked or improperly closing doors.

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ekomia   ⚬   Ratgeber

Healthy working: Back exercises for the office

Office-friendly workouts that keep your body relaxed and stretched?
Enjoy ekomia's active routine for a relaxed body and a focused mind.

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Is a family bed right for us? About sizes, types and the advantages and disadvantages

It's a trendy topic that more and more families are taking up: The large family bed in the bedroom, where both parents and the children sleep together. Here you can find out what options and sizes are available, what speaks for and against co-sleeping and what you should bear in mind.

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Removing scratches and dents from solid wood furniture | ▷

Here you will find tips on how to easily remove dents and scratches from your wooden furniture. All you need is sandpaper, furniture oil and an iron for dents.

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Clean & oil solid wood furniture properly | ▷

Here you will find helpful tips on how to freshen up your wooden furniture yourself. Light scratches and dirt can be easily removed and the wood becomes resistant to water and dirt again.

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Table size guide: Which table size is right for me?

With our made-to-measure tables, you can determine the width, length and height of the table as you wish. But as we all know, those who have the choice are also spoilt for choice. Here you can find out which table size is suitable for 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 people.

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