Design   ⚬   ekomia
Ceremonial ekomia showroom opening and art vernissage ‘F*ck the Algorithm’ on the topic of femininity without likes.
Design   ⚬   Nachhaltigkeit
Our employee Kareem Goshan developed the designer composter ‘Duda’ to sustainably recycle organic waste in Egypt.
Design   ⚬   Nachhaltigkeit
How can building and living become more ecological? We asked Yarima and George, who live in Switzerland's first straw bale settlement.
Our dear friend Anke offers HANDFUL workshops where you can find inspiration and deceleration with the help of clay.
Emma Rytoft's designs not only adorn the walls of the Ekomia showroom, but now also our favourite sweaters – individually & handmade.
This month we have a very special guest on our blog: Wana Limar, a presenter, video creator, DJ and member of Visions for Children e.V.
The best feedback comes in the form of pictures of ekomia products. Be inspired by our customers.
We are always delighted when we get beautiful ekomia furniture pictures from customers as a thank you. Be inspired by the blogger Bina.
Design   ⚬   ekomia
As part of the Berlin Design Week we will open our doors for you on 17.10 from 19.00 and present new furniture and two guests of honour.